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this is my anthem ~ a little context

It’s 2336, exactly 312 years from now. In 2212, tensions were rising all across the world. After having made so many technological advances and having worked so hard to keep peace between all the major nations of the world, something happens. China makes a huge technological advancement: a machine that allows them to travel between the Earth and Mars within a matter of hours. Within days, this news has been leaked all over Asia, then all over the globe. The United States, which has diminished to a smaller world power, seeks to ally with China and combine their technologies to send Chinese and American astronauts to space on a mission to bring on a second set of people to colonize mars after the first attempt failed nearly 50 years ago. In the attempt 50 years ago, not one of the colonists survived: they all died, the earliest at a few days and the lastest after 2 and a half weeks. There were fifty colonists, young, strong, healthy people. It was an international outrage.

China agrees to the alliance and as the day draws nearer, India has an intellectual breakthrough. They reach out to the space station and present their research, which shows that the Chinese-American spacesuits are faulty and cannot support the journey to Mars for even an hour, meaning all the participants would die before they even got there. China and America don’t receive the news - India assumes they ignore it. Within twenty-three hours of the launch, India declares that China must call of the missile, or it will call for war. Isn’t it funny that in a world where humans and robots can live together, and the commute between the moon and Earth is only an hour, that the reason for the third world war was not in fact, a bomb or cyberattack, but a missive that somehow never made it to the recipient? Some doubt that China and America would have done anything about the message if they received it anyway: those people sided with India and Russia in the war. Some people say that this was all a result of the ignorance and stupidity of some of the most powerful nations and the people sitting at the cutting edge of technology: those people sided with the likes of China and America.

China and India begin the fight in 2213, America jumps in with reinforcements. Russia backs up India; England sides with America, while France sides with India. The former party is called the ____ and the latter is called the ____. Well, this is the history that our children learn in schools: India and Russia win the war by a brute force of strength in which they send spies to infiltrate Chinese government buildings, headquarters, and depots of major technology over several years and set these bombs to blow up at one moment: May 16th, 2215. One day, Chinese civilians are walking about peacefully (or as peacefully as possible in times of war), doing their groceries, taking a walk, heading to work, and the next second, their world of sun and sense turns into smoke, fire, and the national alarm blaring “EVACUATE”. All that’s left in a pile of rubble and corpses is a child’s sock lying on the road, cruelly untouched.

Some say India was cruel and terrible, while some say they did what they had to. Our founder found it didn’t matter, because to him the world was cursed with the stench of blood and smoke, so he ran, ran to find the only piece of land untouched as the world signed their “peace” treaties and tried to fix up the mess they left behind.


So what you just read was a little context as to how the world in This Is My Anthem went from the world we knew today to the world Ardere knows. Keep in mind that this is a VERY rough draft and basically just me rambling about the stupidest stuff. More on ze founder later? Let me know in the comments!

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