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#astrology → Into the Universe #1 - The Four Elements of the Zodiac

Why, hello there, astrologers! Welcome to the first post in our series, Into The Universe. We're going to be taking a deep dive into the four elements of the zodiac. As may you know, there are four traditionally accepted elements: fire, earth, air, and water (hint: that's also the order they appear in for the zodiac serial order!). And you can probably infer some things about each of the signs under each element - so let's get into the nitty-gritty details.

The Fire Signs

​There are three zodiac signs under each element - and under the fire signs we have Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Most fire signs are the most fierce and lively people you can meet; they are full of bold flame and are usually the center of attention, because they happen to be natural leaders. People gravitate towards them because they bring light and warmth to a group setting. I suppose you could say they're trailblazers - they don't wait for people to tell them anything, and are always the first ones to do it (perhaps why they start the serial order). Their optimism often lightens the load off of others shoulders and proves to be a fire in the dark.

However - fire signs can be rash and impulsive. While their energy and enthusiasm is a key aspect of their personality, it can often lead to them doing things without thinking and may have disastrous (or wonderful) consequences. They love attention and it gives them the confidence that they're always known for (though some may call it ego). They may come off as chaotic or insensitive due to their rashness. Fire signs show their emotions wonderfully; they were their hearts on their sleeves. One thing is for sure; the fire sign is not about to let someone else outdo them.

The Earth Signs

The Earth Signs include Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The word that they are most known for is being grounded. They are known as the builders of the universe, as they love structure and stability. They are well in touch with themselves, and they have a good idea of their ambitions and desires (and man, are they ambitious). They like to keep the peace and beauty of the world through their patience, and their ability to keep things going, characterized by their well-known determination and resilience, and gained wisdom. Earth signs enjoy tangibility, they like things they can depend on, appealing to their practical nature. Their caution and calmness in the face of crisis means that they phrase "slow and steady" is the world to them. But they're always honest - they have a strong moral compass and always do their best.

Here's the downside - Earth signs can be materialistic, since they love material things, this leads them to be miserly and overly economical. Additionally, due to their drive and ambition, they expect everyone to have everything in order just as they do, and when things don't go to their expectations, they can become critical, unyielding and stubborn with harsh judgement, making them come off as "cold" and "calculated." Earth signs, unlike fire signs, don't like to wear their emotions on their faces and dislike vulnerability - and, all said, they're not the most romantic.

The Air Signs

Now, for the air signs - Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These signs are often noted to have the most diverse set of characteristics, but one thing is for sure - they always seem to have their head in the clouds. Air signs are usually very bubbly people who think and move quickly, and they are for sure social butterflies, trying their best to remain unproblematic and have a little fun! For air signs, it can seem that they are a bit shallow at first, when actually the air signs are intellectualls who have mastered the art of communication. Their minds are always racing at a million miles per hour, and they are whirlwinds of emotions and fantasies. They value connection, and they strongly empathize with theoretical conversations, ideas, thoughts, and they tend to amplify a conversation and feed all the other signs.

While air signs are intelligent, they often can't get their feet on solid ground. They tend to get lost in ideological fantasies, and are prone to daydreaming and trying to fix things in their head. This can prove to be a problem that causes them to be impractical. Additionally, reality and fantasy, the two spectrums in their heads, give them a reputation for being indecisive and unpredictable in the way they do things, unable to focus on a single object. Often, air signs just want to please as many people as they can, leading them to change their personality so much that they struggle with identity crisis. While this may make them come off as emotionally detached, air signs just have high expectations for themselves as problem-solvers.

The Water Signs

Last but not least, we have the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Now, water signs are very intuitive people who like to go with the flow ( ;) ). They have a deep emotions and are passionate about their relationships, often being sensitive yet kind-hearted. They follow their instincts and absorb strongly the emotions of others, giving them a strong look of ardor and intensity. They are sentimental and hold all the things that have happened to them deep in their hearts, just as the ocean does. Water signs are sometimes even known for being "psychic" as they experience vivid dreams and have innate senses that allow them to anticipate. They are artistic and creative, sticking to a small but ardent circle of friends and family.

Since water signs are so emotional and sensitive, they can often become brooding and overly impulsive when rubbed the wrong way. Even when they seem stone-faced, they are feeling things more prolifically than the other signs. Water signs are known for being emotionally manipulative, as they get caught up in their emotions and stop using logic or consideration of others. Instead, they become passive-agressive and, though they are so spiritually and emotionally in touch with themselves, they tend to forget this when they are angered. They can become jealous and vindictive with a strong sense of protection that can spill into possessiveness for those they value. To sum it up, water signs are easy to please and easy to anger.

Sooooo, in conclusion: each of the elements have their strengths and weaknesses that define the individual zodiac signs and embody their personality. I hope this helped you understand a little more about it - next up, we'll be going over the modalities of all the signs and what they mean.

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